
Common Medications, Treatment, and Management

The list includes pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, such as lifestyle modifications and physical therapy. It is important to note that this list is not exhaustive and that the appropriateness of any intervention should be determined on a case-by-case basis by a qualified healthcare professional.

We hope this list will serve as a valuable resource for those seeking a better understanding of the various treatment options available.

Please look at the complete resource of medications on the National Scleroderma Foundation website. Click the button below to go to the webpage.

Common Medications, Treatment, and Management

Medication for skin involvement

Immunosuppressants are commonly prescribed medications for treating skin involvement in scleroderma. A few that are common are:

Medication for gastrointestinal symptoms

If you are experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms such as heartburn or acid reflux, please consult your physician to see a specialist. Here are a few medications commonly prescribed for gastrointestinal symptoms of scleroderma:

Medication for Raynaud's Phenomenon

Medication for pain

Pain is something one can experience when living with scleroderma. Ask your physician about options to assist with managing the pain.

Stem cell transplant

Discover how a stem cell transplant placed Glen Copeland's scleroderma in remission through his inspiring story. Watch the video below.

Alternatives to Pain Medication 

The relaxation response

Learning to stop or calm the fight or flight response is one of the most effective tools for managing pain, fatigue, and other symptoms. If you can calm yourself through relaxation strategies, you can also calm your nervous system, reduce your stress, and give yourself a chance to find different ways to cope with your pain, fatigue, and other symptoms.

Relaxation is a very useful tool for you in managing several common scleroderma symptoms, including pain, fatigue, sleep, stress, and depressed mood. Relaxation is helpful for pain because it:

Positive thinking

How you think and feel about things is important to managing your pain. Positive thinking leads to actions that help people have a better sense of well-being over time. There is evidence that positive thinking can block pain signals in the brain to reduce the pain response. 

We highly recommend "The Chronic Pain Reset" book as an effective tool to evaluate pain triggers and improve them with fun and practical strategies. 

Using the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy, this book will lead you through one new evidence-based strategy each day for 30 days, from paced breathing and healthy sleep hacks to mindful walking and acts of kindness.

Remember, this is not an exhaustive list; available and recommended medications are subject to change.